What is your cancellation/refund policy for registration and paid sessions?

Cancellation and Refund Policy as found on https://www.viticusgroup.org/legal

  • Requests for cancellations must be in writing. Email your request to support@viticusgroup.org or fax to 702.739.6420.
  • Viticus Group reserves the right to cancel courses at any time due to inadequate enrollment.
    • Every effort will be made to notify registrants as early as possible of a course cancellation by Viticus Group.
    • In the event of a cancellation by Viticus Group, a full refund of the course registration fee will be issued to the registrant in a timely manner.
    • All fees and charges for travel and lodging arranged by the registrant are the sole responsibility of the registrant.

For Viticus Group Academy Continuing Education (CE) Courses (applies to all WVC Annual Conference hands-on lab courses and year-round Academy CE courses):

  • Cancellations received more than 60 days prior to the course start date will result in a refund of the course registration fee paid minus a $75 processing fee. The registration and $75 processing fee amounts paid cannot be applied to another course.
  • Cancellations received 31-60 calendar days prior to the course start date will result in a refund of one-half of the course registration fee paid.
  • Cancellations received 30 calendar days or less prior to the course start date will result in no refund or credit.
  • All course registrations are nontransferable.
  • Participants who leave a course once it begins will not receive a refund or credit. This includes online course study.
  • Participants who fail to show up on time or miss portions* of the course will not receive a refund.
    • *WVC Annual Conference Hands-on Lab Courses and Academy CE Tardiness Policy:
      • Registered lab participants who are not in attendance within the first 29 minutes of lab start time will forfeit their reservation and the lab registration fee will not be refunded.
      • Additionally, once the lab reservation is forfeited, Viticus Group reserves the right to reassign the reservation to another participant during any WVC Annual Conference and year-round Academy CE courses.

For Viticus Group WVC Annual Conference Basic Registration Fees:

  • All basic registration fees are refundable but nontransferable.
  • Requests for refunds must be received in writing at least 72 hours prior to the start of the WVC Annual Conference.
  • Refund requests are applicable only to WVC Annual Conference basic registration fees and workshop fees
    • Refund requests exclude exhibitors and sponsors (refer to exhibitors or sponsor agreements for refund policies) and affiliate meeting space rentals (refer to affiliate meeting space rental agreement for refund policies).

For WVC Annual Conference Premium Pass Program Registration Fees:

  • WVC Annual Conference Premium Pass Program registration fee refund requests must be in writing at least 61 calendar days prior to the start of the WVC Annual Conference and will receive the Premium Pass Program fee paid minus a $75 processing fee. The registration and processing fee amounts paid cannot be applied to other services.
    • Cancellations received between 31-60 calendar days prior to the WVC Annual Conference start date will receive a refund of half of the Premium Pass Program registration fee, minus a $75 processing fee.
    • Cancellations received 30 calendar days or less prior to the WVC Annual Conference start date will receive no refund or credit.
    • All Premium Pass Program registration fees are nontransferable.